Friday, October 16, 2009

9 year-old kid created a starwars website !

Today I stumbled upon a Star Wars blogsite created by a 9 year-old kid. Can you believe that??? And I checked the source, he's not using any content management system (cms) to aid him. He's using purely html codes.

I thought he might be 9 when he created this during the time of the movies like revenge of the Sith which is 2005 making him 13 already but his images were from the new Clone Wars series so the site is quite updated, at least 2008 or current. Therefore he's really 9.

I'm impressed on his skills considering his age. Kids usually don't have interest yet on such matters. I have a niece with same age so I can relate and I'm really amazed.

Here's his site:

The force is strong with him.
A jedi, he will be.

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