Friday, September 5, 2008

Google Chrome vs Mozilla Firefox

I've been using Google Chrome since its first release and comparing my daily use to Firefox, Chrome definitely needs some polish under the hood.

Some sites that breaks in IE also breaks in Chrome while not in Firefox. RSS feeds also comes out in text only while well represented in Firefox.

But the motive of Google to develop a browser is questionable. I've read their comics justifying their reason but it's still not convincing. Why not help the browser that pioneered and increasingly gets a share of the market? They have supported this browser and its progressing fast. Architecture or approach may be different, but these concepts can be shared to existing browsers especially to the one they support.

We know the battle of Google to free users and be independent from the dominant OS, you'll notice that Chrome is an alternative only for browsers running on Microsoft Windows. Therefore Chrome is a direct hit for Microsoft.

One thing to note about Chrome is that it that by default, it transmits browsing history to Google.

As Michael Malone of ABC News said, "Microsoft only wanted all of our money. Increasingly, it seems that Google wants all of our data,"

Google is a giant in the industry now, and when a giant jumps into the pool, it will surely shake and make giant waves.

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