Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The new RAM: Magneto

Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM): new memory technology, based on electron spin. MRAM promises to bring non-volatile, low-power, high speed memory, and at a low cost, too. MRAM is called "the holy grail" of memory, and has the potential to replace FLASH, DRAM and even hard-discs.

Current memory systems in use include Dynamic and Static Random Access Memory (DRAM and SRAM). While they are faster than their predecessors, they do have some disadvantages. An interruption in the power supply would mean an immediate loss of information currently processed. Computers using these memory systems also take a long time to start up. Imagine turning on a computer and it being ready for use immediately, instead of having to wait for the computer programmes to be loaded. MRAM does away with that wait.

the mram write process:


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